Access to the main controlled vocabularies (for a definition see Glossary) used at the Council of Europe.


These vocabularies are managed by the Council’s Directorate of Information Technology. They are all bilingual (English and French).




Corporate bodies

Vocabulary containing the Council of Europe’s institutions and entities, as well as its main partner organisations.



Vocabulary of languages and their respective codes, according to ISO standard 639-2 biblio.



Thematic vocabulary focusing on the main subjects of the Council of Europe. More concise than CERES (see below) and hierarchically structured.


Subjects CERES

General thematic vocabulary covering the subjects dealt with by the Council of Europe since its creation. The acronym CERES stands for Council of Europe REtrieval System.


Geographical terms

Vocabulary of countries, former countries and regions, based on ISO standards 3166-1, ISO 3166-2 and ISO 3166-3. It also contains political and geographical groupings (e.g.: “EU countries”, “Africa”).


Document types

Vocabulary containing the main document types.


Document status

Vocabulary listing the different statuses of a document, for instance during its validation cycle (“revised”, “final”, etc.).


Administrative Handbook

Vocabulary consisting of broad Council of Europe internal subject matters (“Leave”, “IT good practices”, etc.). It has been taken over from the Administrative Handbook Filing Plan used in the legacy documentary application WCD.


Legacy applications

List of the different applications used previously for managing documents. They are described very succinctly.



Business classification scheme

Business classification scheme based on the functions and activities of the Council of Europe. Conforms to ISO standard 15489.